Ghost-Train-Rollercoaster-Space-Rocket ... The Infinite Lives of Maisie Day, by Christopher Edge
It appears the end of the universe has come, and Maisie’s going to face it alone.
Watch a stunning lunar moth enjoy its first time in the sun [image: Screengrab: The Stoss] Watch a stunning lunar moth enjoy his first time in the sunlight. This moth looks like a real-life Pokémon character. I ador...
Coming Up In June In London
Project 24: Book #5 It is very surprising to me how many of my Project 24 books so far have been IN PRINT. It’s quite unusual for me at the best of times, but particularly whe...
L.A. Strong is Out Today! I have a strip, with art from the great Dennis Calero, in L.A. Strong, a charity comics anthology in support of the victims of the L.A. fires, released by ...
The antisemitism inquiry at Goldsmiths University of London: some questions I want to list some of the things that are curious about Goldsmiths, University of London's antisemitism inquiry. 1. How was it decided that we needed on...
And One More…
Last week I featured two 1903 *Oz* costume designs that I found in a group
of drawings by designer Caroline Siedle. They were clearly identifiable as
Bees & Honey - Steve Minshall and Rachel de Thample
Thank god for antibiotics - after almost 4 weeks of feeling like crap I'm
sort of human again. I vaguely remember a time when cold and flu type bugs
Spornosexual Shocker: Daily Mail Caught With Its Compression Pants Down Oh LOOK! A big, lavishly illustrated article in last Sunday’s Daily Mail on my work! ‘Meet the “Spornosexuals”: Male body trend is back for 2025’, announ...
The Longevious Centennial
We're celebrating the 100th birthday of *Edward St. John Gorey* (1925-2000)
Unravelling the Timeless Appeal of ‘Careless Whisper’ Sign up to Roisin O’Connor’s free weekly newsletter Now Hear This for the inside track on all things music Careless Whisper is a timeless classic that has ...
Daft Adverts Two weeks of increasingly silly adverts for my VERY SOON TO END KICKSTARTER- Thunks and Grunts, available here: The deadline is ...
Annual report 2022
It’s time for the annual report, and I don’t know where to start or how to
start. Last year, as the world was slowly emerging from the horrors of
Doctor Who – The Leisure Hive: A Perfect Holiday Moment
On this day in 1980, *Doctor Who* returned for its Eighteenth Season with a
blaze of sound and colour in *The Leisure Hive*. The Season is the ultimate
Day 6742: Constitutional Outrage
No one should expect to just GET to be Prime Monster!
Liberal Democrats should call for a Vote of Confidence in Parliament before
ANYONE can be a...
The Women’s Prize Longlist 2019 What better excuse to blow the cobwebs off this blog than with the 2019 longlist announcement, of what is probably my very favourite prizes, the Women’s Pr...
A Bit of Fun
I'm editing a RiffTrax recording on the PC at the moment (mainly just
noise clean up etc.) and to make sure the riffing soundtrack and video
matched up I ...
The Walking Dead: Season 8, Episode 16 – Wrath
“All this is just what was. There’s gotta be something after.” (SPOILER
WARNING!) So finally, FINALLY, that’s a wrap on the All Out War, in a
mostly satisf...
Bring Your Alter Ego to Barbara Brownskirt's Knee-Length Show!
You'll be glad to know that my alter ego Barbara Brownskirt, the Poet of
the South London People, has recovered from her leg rash which was caused
by a non...
PODCAST AND REDESIGNED BLOG NEWS! Hello. I hope 2018 is treating you reasonably well so far. You may have noticed that there was no blog post for the last few podcasts. That was due to ongo...
I did an interview with Jules of the excellent Seven Impossible Things
Before Breakfast blog!
We had an excellent chat and I drew some pictures especially f...
Time for a fresh take It's easy to see that this blog's been languishing a while. I've been thinking about why that's the case. It's a form I enjoyed while I was posting frequen...
Lifeboat Illustration Auction
Illustrator/Author Emily Gravett has arranged The Lifeboat Illustration
Auction in support of The Schoolbus Project.
There are loads of great pieces up f...
Seven Cities of Old - Mike Wild (snowbooks, 2014) Mike Wild is living proof – I hope – of the maxim that perseverance pays off. Thirty years writing top quality prose as a jobbing author for Abaddon, the ...
MY PORCH IS DEAD! The blog, not the person. I will no longer be writing My Porch. I'm done. It's over. BUT... All my content and your comments and all the goodness that was...
The Isle is full of Noises
Easy Sunday morning viewing. Lots of rippling nature scenes between people
talking about pagan gods, skulls, shape-shifting animals, Halloween fires.
Serial ZZ: 'The War Games'
Nick: It's the end, Sarah. But the moment - no, hang on, I think I'm
experiencing some precognition of our Tom Baker blog. I can't disclose when
we do t...
An adventure with Ying Ying and Le Le...
Ying Ying and Le Le are the beautiful giant pandas that I saw in Hong Kong.
I've got lots to tell you and show you from my big adventure but I just
World Cup Las Vegas Sportsbooks
World Cup Betting Bet365 Bookies
Present day world cup game titles experienced two of the fantastic soccer
powers advancing to the final eight! Brazil abso...
TINGS AR BIN RIDDIN AN AUDIOCOMBUSTULATIN DIS WAKE #2 ok ok, and not just this week either, it’s two getting on for three, delayed by sundry drinking and a visit to Madrid, where although I had a cool view fr...
Doctor Who – Marco Polo Episode Six: Mighty Kublai Khan
*“When great Kublai Khan appears – you will make your obeisance to him. So
that he may look kindly upon you, and spare your worthless lives.” “Pray, ...
Amy Levy
*In the long, sad time, when the sky was grey,And the keen blast blew
through the city drear,When delight had fled from the night and the day,My ...
Have you seen the big, new, improved Baroque? Here’s a little refresher on the glories that await the reader at our new, self-hosted site at The new Baroque is a bigger and...
The 14 Days of A (5) Ace of Wands – Sisters Deadly I first saw an episode or two of Ace of Wands many years back on a copy of a copy of a c….opy of an off air VHS recording. I...
This blog has moved and it, along with its archives, can now be found over here.
Without All of that summer I ached not *for *you but with you (without you) Waiting Beneath the senseless heat Reformed myself endlessly All we are is part...
Ten years without Kirsty In early December of 2000 I came home to my parents' house from a not entirely unsuccessful first term reading social anthropology at Sussex.At the time I ...
Scary Movies?
Yesterday, I saw The Last Exorcism with my friend Nico. While I enjoyed
what the film makers were trying to do with the mockumentary style
story-telling, t...
This blog has moved This blog is now located at You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here. For feed subscri...
Enigma of the Hour
Never underestimate London's ability to surprise you. It only takes a
little trick of the autumn light to transform, say, Stroudley Walk, E3,
into, say, pr...
Baking Sunday / Domingo al horno Powered by